The Dark Side Of Love 1984

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Tales From the Dark Side Putting Car Tires on Motorcycles Rider Magazine. From the Dark World of Nonconformity They EmergedOn Car Tires. Have you ever found yourself unwittingly in the middle of a heated religious or political debate between two vehemently opposed participants Not since the dispute over conventional oil vs. I seen such polarized and passionate opinions in the motorcycle world. The question is, unlike the face off over the slippery stuff, could this practice by those known as Dark Siders actually be a dangerous oneIm interested in signing up for one of your Stayin Safe training tours, the email began. The Dark Side Of Love 1984' title='The Dark Side Of Love 1984' />But before I register, I want to make sure its OK to participate if I have a car tire mounted on my Gold Wing. A what Did he say a car tire I have to admit I had never heard of such a thing. Nor could I fathom why anyone would want to do it. As difficult as it is for me to turn any rider away who is interested in improving his or her skills, my response was, Im afraid we have to say no. I was concerned about the potential risk for this rider and others on the tourespecially knowing our tour would include some tight and technical mountain back roads with switchbacks. My decision to turn this rider away along with a handful of his riding buddies was based on my belief that riding with a car tire on a motorcycle could not possibly be a good idea or a safe practice. But I had to admitand I did to this gentlemanmy knowledge of the practice was extremely limited. How to Be Dark. If youre drawn to dark things like horror movies, true crime stories, and the occult, chances are youre more in touch with your dark side than other. Please Click Your Refresh Or Reload Button If Its Been A Few Days Since Youve Visited This Page With Paul Sparer. A horror anthology series where the viewer is taken through ghost stories, science fiction adventures and creepy, unexplained events. A Spiritual Perspective. By Wade Frazier. Revised February 2014. How I Developed my Spiritual Perspective. My Early Paranormal Experiences. Research and Activities. I would need to learn more. As it turns out, that would require a trip to the Dark Side. Behold, the Dark Side A growing sect of riders that promotes the use of car tires on motorcycles. A car tire has a flat profile and is designed to stay flat rather than lean over. Dark Siders they call themselves that are deeply passionate about their practice of using car tires in place of prescribed motorcycle tires on their bikes. The Dark Side of Kennywood. By Rick Davis. The Early Years. Long before Kennywood Park existed, the area that wou1d become the park was well known. S_NAZARETH_Loud_LP.jpg' alt='The Dark Side Of Love 1984 Online' title='The Dark Side Of Love 1984 Online' />But Dark Siders claim they work fine and are cheaper and last longer than motorcycle tires. Dark Siders they call themselves that are part of one of the most evangelical groups of motorcyclists Ive encountered. They are deeply passionate about their practice of using car tires in place of prescribed motorcycle tires on their bikes. Drum Vst Plugin Reaper Software For Mac there. And they are more than anxious to profess those beliefs in the hope others might also see the light. Or the dark, as it were. It borders on a religious movement. Needless to say, it was not difficult to get their side of the story. In fact, after I broke the news to the prospective student, I was soon flooded with emails from other Dark Siders, each enthusiastically sharing his personal testimony, telling of his conversion to a life of riding on the dark side, never to return to conventional practices again. Remember, the earth was once flat too, one Dark Sider offered. Another went further to explain the extent of their mission, Being that we are free thinkers, we push the envelope all the time trying new, different, bigger, winter, summer, truck tires on our various scoots. These riders believe, rightly or wrongly, that car tires provide more economy and are less likely to fail than motorcycle tires. Some even believe them to be safer. The Dark Side Of Love 1984' title='The Dark Side Of Love 1984' />Others were quick to accuse tire companies, claiming they know how to make motorcycle tires that last longer and cost less but, instead, scheme to make as much money on riders as they can. Personally, I view motorcycle tires as high performance tires and expect that to come at a price. When compared to their high performance brethren from the automotive world, I have found motorcycle tires to be on par when it comes to performance, cost and wear characteristics. Although it has spread to other makes and models, this movement appears to have originated among a number of luxury touring motorcycle riders who claim to have experienced repeated motorcycle tire failures on these behemoth machines. Issues reportedly extended from very rapid tire wear to poor handling to blowouts and tire delamination potential causes and preventive measures for these issues can be found in the accompanying story. So, some riders turned to car tires as a fix. And, once they found a shop willing to mount the car rubber on a bike rim, they began to accumulate miles without serious consequences although most admit to the bike handling differently. The practice of mounting car tires to the rear of motorcycles began to expand and the order of Dark Siders grew as other riders were attracted by economics. Car tires, at least the ones they were choosing to fit to their bikes, tend to be less expensive and reportedly provide longer tread life. Predictably, some riders even began to mount car tires on the front rim, as well, and others have followed. Dark Siders claim to have collectively ridden millions of miles on car tires without a reported crash resulting specifically from car tire failure although there is no clear way of knowing if tire handling issues have played a contributing role in any crashes. One Dark Sider proudly claims that on one forum alone there are more than 1,0. The Dark Side Of Love 1984' title='The Dark Side Of Love 1984' />Realistically, there have also been millions of incident free miles covered by helmetless or poorly dressed riders, but Im not ready to leave my gear at home simply because others have been able to do so without landing in the hospital or morgue. Two BMWs. Both executing the same curve. Each with distinctly different handling characteristics and demands on tires. Admittedly, I appreciate people who think differently. It is unconventional thinking that has led to some of the most significant inventions and greatest advancements in human history. Unfortunately, not all alternative ideas are good ones. In fact, most arent. The time I tried to use my walk behind lawnmower as a snow thrower during one particularly bad winter comes to mind. It is true that necessity or was it desperation often is the mother of invention. Just for the record, despite my own freethinking and stubborn determination, a lawnmower makes a horrible snow thrower. Even after you remember to remove the bagger. Bitdefender Update. The point is, experimentationespecially when conducted outside of a testing facility and beyond the collaboration of industry expertscan have a dark side of its own. Shedding light on the Dark Side argument The industrys view on the role of the motorcycle tire. In search of a balanced argument, I reached out to motorcycle manufacturers, tire manufacturers, heralded motorcycle safety experts and industry leaders to get their take on the subject. Not all are quoted here, but their input for this story was consistent. A motorcycle tire has a round profile and is designed to handle cornering loads. But Dark Siders say theyre overpriced and wear out too quickly. Before we delve into any comparisons to car tires, lets first look at motorcycle specific tires themselves and the role they play. One of the first things that the motorcycle manufacturer points to is the tire as a vital consideration in the overall design of a motorcycle. Tire choice is never an afterthought for the manufacturer. Quite frankly, it cant be. Nathan Boyd, P. E., Director, Product Integrity at Harley Davidson explains, We look at the motorcycle as a complete system where the tires, the wheels, the swingarm, the forks and the frame are designed to perform together. Changing even one of those components can alter the bikes intended characteristics. So naturally, tire specifications are developed for each machine and then tested extensively to assure the optimum performance the product development team was looking for is achieved.