Access 2007 Minimize Database Windows

Access 2007 Minimize Database Windows Average ratng: 8,4/10 5344reviews

This chapter summarizes common database topics that are important for both database administrators and developers, and provides pointers to other manuals, not an. The. NET Framework 2. Learn how to autosize, anchor, and dock Windows and forms. Introduction to Microsoft Access Macros The following articles contain useful information about using macros in Microsoft Access 97 and converting macros to Visual. Schedule your Microsoft Access Database Tasks Daily, Hourly, Weekly, Monthly, or One Time. Compact your database, launch macros, make backups and other maintenance. Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of. Access 2016 database and templates using microsoft access 2016 for small business companies and nonprofit organizations. Access 2016 is the latest database program. Macro Tips and Tricks Database Solutions for Microsoft Access. Introduction to Microsoft Access Macros The following articles contain useful information about using macros. Microsoft Access 9. Visual Basic. for Applications code. Macros are very useful for automating simple tasks, such as carrying. You dont need. to know how to program to use macros. Macros can perform a number. Visual Basic code to perform. However, using Visual Basic code instead of macros gives you much. In Microsoft Access 9. Visual. Basic code. You can also convert custom menu bars and shortcut menu. Microsoft Access, to command bars. Using macros, and converting macros to Visual Basic code, are described. Microsoft Access 9. Help topics. The following articles are. Help topics, or to point. Should I Use a Macro or Visual Basic Code You can use macros to automate many common tasks in Microsoft Access. Generally speaking. Visual Basic. Since. Macro window, often from a list. There. are also some situations that either require macros or where macros. Visual Basic code Making key assignments. If you want a particular key or key combination. Auto. Keys. You also need to use. Auto. Keys macro to assign a key or key combination to a built in. Performing actions when your database first opens, such as opening. You can use an. Auto. Exec macro to do this. You can, however, also use the Startup. Tools menu andor. Visual Basic code to. Performing simple automation. If you have forms or reports that. If you use macros rather Visual Basic code, your form or. In some. cases, lightweight forms and reports may load and display faster. In other situations, however, you should probably use code. Visual. Basic code is more flexible and powerful than macros. Following are. some reasons to use Visual Basic code instead of macros. To see an. example of performing a task using a macro, and, alternately, using. Visual Basic, code, see Example Finding and. Changing a Customer Address. Visual Basic code is easier to maintain. Macros are separate objects. However, the Visual Basic procedures. Also, when you move a form or report. Visual Basic code associated with the form. In Visual Basic code, you can determine the error number when. For example, you can display a custom message box, or bypass. You cant determine what error has. You can create and manipulate objects using the Data Access Objects. DAO and Visual Basic for Applications object models in Visual. Basic code. This gives you tremendous power over the objects in. There are a number of techniques you can use to work with other. Visual Basic code. For example, you can check to see if a particular file exists on. You can also use Automation and dynamic data exchange. DDE to communicate with other applications, and you can call functions. Windows application programming interface API or other. DLLs. You can iterate through recordsets, and manipulate records one. With macros, you can only work with an entire set of. You can create your own functions by using Visual Basic code. Although you can use expressions in the Condition. You can also use a custom function. In addition. note that you cant pass an argument to a function or receive a. Visual Basic code. More generally, when using Visual Basic procedures, you have all. You can pass. arguments, receive return values, and use variables for arguments. You can use conditional code structures such as IfThenElse. Select Case loops. None of these features are. For more information, search the Microsoft Access Help index for. Visual Basic code. If you decide you want to start using Visual Basic code instead. Microsoft Access 9. Visual. Basic code. To convert the macros associated with a particular form or report. Visual Basic code, open the form or report in Design view, point. Macro on the Tools menu, and. Convert Forms Macros To Visual Basic. Convert Reports Macros To Visual Basic. To convert a global macro one not associated with a particular. Visual Basic code, highlight the name of the. Database window, click Save AsExport. File menu, and then click Save As. Visual Basic Module in the Save As dialog. For more information, search the Microsoft Access Help index for. Top. Example Finding and Changing a Customer Address. Suppose you want to add a command button to your Orders form that. To do this through macros, you need to create a custom dialog box. The custom dialog box, named New Customer Address. Customer. Name and New. Address. It also has. OK button. From the OK button, you want to run the Hide. Form macro, which hides. New Customer Address dialog box by setting the Visible. False. On the Orders form, add a command button named Change. Customer. Address. Change. Address macro. This macro finds the customer whose. These macros work for the task you had in mind. However, they can. Theres also. only simple error handling. Note that if you enter an invalid or misspelled. Its. much easier to catch these sorts of errors in Visual Basic. To see. how youd perform the same task in Visual Basic, click Visual Basic. Example of Finding and Changing a Customer Address. Hide. Form macro. Condition. Action. Action Arguments. Comment   This macro is attached to the OK button on the New Customer. Address form. FormsNew Customer Address Customer. Name Is Null Or FormsNew. Customer Address New. Address Is Null. Msg. Box Message You must enter a valid company name. Beep Yes Type None. If the user doesnt enter a valid company name or a new address. Stop. Macro  The ellipsis. Condition column. Set. Value. Item FormsNew Customer Address. Visible. Expression False. Change. Address macro. Action. Action Arguments. Visual Basic 2010 Torrent. Comment  This macro is attached to the Change. Customer. Address button on. Orders form. Open. Form Form Name New Customer Address. View Form Window Mode Dialog. You want to set the Window Mode argument of the Open. Form action. to Dialog so that the macro suspends execution until the user. New Customer Address dialog box. When the user clicks the OK button in the dialog box, the dialog. This allows the Change. Address macro to resume execution. Find. Record Find What FormsNew Customer Address Customer. Name. Match Whole Field Match Case No Search All Search As Formatted Yes Only Current Field No Find First Yes. Find the first record for the company name that the user entered. Note the equal sign in front of the expression. Set. Value. Item Address. Expression FormsNew Customer Address New. Address. Change the address. In the Northwind sample database, you would. Ship. Address field to the same new value. Close. Object Type Form. Object Name New Customer Address. Save Prompt. Close the dialog box. Visual Basic Example of Finding and Changing a Customer Address. Attach the following Visual Basic code to the Change. Customer. Address. Orders form. Function Change. Customer. Address As Boolean. Dim dbs As Database. Dim rst As Recordset. Dim str. Customer. Name As String, str. New. Address As String. Dim str. Criteria As String. On Error Go. To Change. Customer. AddressErr. Set dbs Current. Db. Set rst dbs. Open. RecordsetCustomers, db. Open. Dynaset. str. Customer. Name. Input. BoxEnter the company name, Company Name. If Lenstr. Customer. Name 0 Then Exit Function. New. Address Input. BoxEnter the new address, New Address. If Lenstr. New. Address 0 Then Exit Function. Criteria Company. Name str. Customer. Name. Move. First. Find. First str. Criteria. If. No. Match Then. Msg. Box The company name you entered isnt valid. Exit Function. Set the Address field to str. New. Address. Address str. New. Address. Update. Msg. Box The address has been changed. Change. Customer. Address True. Change. Customer. AddressBye. Exit Function. Change. Customer. AddressErr. Msg. Box Err. Description, vb. OKOnly, Error Err. Number. Change. Customer. Address False. Resume Change. Customer. AddressBye. End Function Top. Using Methods Instead of Macro Actions.